This is a 3 full day Excel 2016 VBA Macro Programming Training Course, usually conducted in Singapore, each month.
Call our Corporate Training Hotline at (65) 6250-3575 or email to if you have a group of participants interested in learning Microsoft Excel 2016 VBA Macro Programming.
Individual Singaporeans can use their Skills Future Credits. NTUC members can also utilize UTAP Funding for this course. Companies can claim SDF Grant. Simply register with us. We will apply for the SDF grant on your behalf.
Course Outline for Excel VBA Macro Programming Training Course
Topic 1:Unleash the Power of Excel 2016 with VBA Programming
Topic 2:Understanding the basics of Macro Programming
Topic 3:Referring to Ranges with Excel 2016 VBA
Topic 4:User-Defined Functions in Excel 2016 VBA
Topic 5:Looping and Flow Control in Excel VBA
Topic 6:Event Programming in Excel 2016
Topic 7: Introduction to UserForms in Excel 2016 VBA
Topic 8: Creating Charts with Excel 2016 VBA
Topic 9: Data Mining with Advanced Filtering
Topic 10: Using VBA to Create Pivot Tables in Excel 2016
Optional Topics
Topic 11: Excel Power
Topic 12: Handling Errors
VBA is a programming language that can be used in Microsoft Excel to build new functionality, and extend Excel to be more useful for companies.
For example, VBA can be used to record subroutines that can, at a click of a button, execute multiple lines of code, that could compile and present you with a Profit & Loss Statement, or a Balance Sheet, or a Cash Flow Statement.
VBA is the way to automate the routine stuff in Excel. So if you do something on a regular basis, and it is time consuming, you can record it as a Macro once, and then every time you need to perform those steps, you simply call that macro to play itself.
Another common thing I use VBA Macros in Excel is to combine data from multiple sheets and multiple Excel workbooks, clean the data, remove the duplicates, perform the VLOOKUPs, and then consolidate the data into a mega Pivot Table, from which we can do all kinds of reporting.
Once you learn VBA, your life will change. You will never waste time doing the same thing again. VBA is a great time saver, and improves efficiency and effectiveness of a person. It is an absolute must for everyone to learn VBA Macro Programming. Join our VBA Macro Training course in Singapore at Intellisoft.
Register for the 3 Day Excel VBA Macros 2016 today. Simply fill the Course Registration form on the top, and book your seat today. Or send an online enquiry for any questions. You can call us at (65) 6250-3575 or (65) 9066-9991.
To claim SDF Funding for this training, you must register for the training on our website website. This SDF funding is available to ALL companies registered in Singapore. The funding is not available to individuals – only available if you apply through your company.
Call us at (65) 9066-9991 or email to for any questions, or to register for the upcoming class for Excel VBA 2016 Macro. We have regular public classes each month, and Custom Corporate Trainings can be arranged at your office too!
Our VBA Course Participants have been extremely happy. They say:
Trainer relates her experiences to the lesson taught. I will apply this knowledge to build & automate excel spreadsheets. Greatest strength is to exposure to different features of VBA. – Temasek International
I like the Macro commands & some excel special functions. Interaction between the trainer & participants is very good. – Singapore Technologies Aerospace
Basics of VBA are taught so that I can understand the code. Very approachable, helpful trainer. The trainer helps and solves everyone’s query. – Transit Link
Practical exercises with real-world applications are the greatest strength of this training. Trainer is very helpful, patient & easy to follow. – Sivantos