Why Should You Learn Adobe Photoshop?

Why Learn you Adobe Photoshop Software ?

Gone are the days when Photoshop was only for Photography buffs or IT geeks. Today, it has become the de-facto standard of modern Creative Media industry, and everyone – from beginners, to students, to freshers, to experienced professionals, to solo-entrepreneurs to marketing heads to sales guys… almost everyone is expected to know and use Photoshop fluently.

Learn Adobe Photoshop Software

Today they are teaching Photoshop to my Primary 4 kid in school too. And we conduct several Photoshop Training workshops for school students, ITE students, Poly students, and even Uni students to learn Photoshop, so that by the time they enter the workforce, they are well versed in using the software.

Adobe Photoshop practical hands-on workshop in Singapore @Intellisoft
Adobe Photoshop practical hands-on workshop in Singapore @Intellisoft

Did You Miss Out on Adobe Photoshop Training Early On?

Yet, there is a huge population who did not get a chance to learn Photoshop in school – probably because there were no computers at that time in schools, or it was too expensive, or we didn’t think we would need to learn or use Photoshop in our life… ever!

Well, we were all wrong.  We thought that Photoshop was only meant for people who want to touch up their holiday photos…

Training Schedule
26 Apr 2025, 3, 10 May 2025
28, 29, 30 Apr 2025
28, 29, 30 May 2025
14, 21, 28 Jun 2025
23, 24, 25 Jun 2025

However, Adobe Photoshop has grown in usage, and in its image. From being just a brightness and contrast touch-up software, it has now taken center stage among the entire world. New words like being “Photo-shopped” has appeared in our everyday vocabulary.

Photoshop training @Intellisoft
Photoshop training @Intellisoft

Adobe Photoshop is used everywhere, and by everyone!

  • Every business man or business women to touch up their iPhone or Android phone photos before uploading them on to Facebook,
  • Bloggers & Blog-Shop owners to take product photos, and fix them before uploading on their product websites
  • Property Agents to crop, rotate, and remove unnecessary objects from property photos before uploading them on sites like PropertyGuru.com etc.
  • Web Designers to create website mock-ups
  • Interior designers to do model layouts,
  • Create amazing info-graphics and images for uploading on social media platforms like Pinterest, Facebook etc.
  • Kids & IT guys alike to create animated GIFs
  • Holiday goers to touch up their holiday photos
  • Wedding photographers to bulk update the white balance or remove tint, or improve brightness, sharpness, blur etc. before finalizing the photos
  • Marketing folks to create marketing flyers, Electronic Direct Marketing (EDMs), and website media, banner, images to make an impressive impact on their customers and prospects
  • Sales guys to beef up their product photos and sales brochures to make the killer sales presentation and wow the prospect into buying.
  • Parents helping their kids  to make better projects
  • Advertising industry to create huge banners, posters, artwork to display all around the city and prance about in the best
  • Creative people use it to make Logos, T-Shirts, Mugs, Greeting Cards and more
  • Freelancers absolutely crush-it by doing simple Five Dollars jobs to literally thousands of dollars of gigs, simply by using Photoshop to the hilt.

As you can see, these are just some of the people who are using the software, and making the most out of it to make sales, make a living, make an impact and wow the world.

Take Your Creativity To New Heights With Photoshop
Take Your Creativity To New Heights With Photoshop

You’ve Got to Learn Adobe Photoshop

So it really does not matter. Whether you are young or old, business owner or working for someone, Singaporean or a Foreigner, in Marketing or in Manufacturing, you will find a use for Photoshop.

With its versatile usage and amazing power, sooner or later, you will be required to use the software and do amazing stuff.

Don’t wait too long. If you don’t know Adobe Photoshop yet, get started and learn it. It is not so tough, and will become a life long skill, which you will get to use again and again and again.

And the Singapore government is giving their own funds to top up, to pay for the training fees. So you really do not have to invest anything financially… only your time and your energy to learn, and benefit from it.

Intellisoft Training Runs Regular Photoshop Classes in Singapore

You have a choice of Weekdays or weekend classes for Photoshop. Each workshop in 3 days long. You can take it on 3 continuous days, during weekdays, or take the 3 Saturday class, and only attend on weekends. This way, you don’t have to apply leave or stay away from pressing business matters during weekdays.

Whatever you choose, investing in Adobe Photoshop software, as well as formal training to learn the software from scratch, and master it gradually will benefit you immensely.

Hope to see you soon in class, and learn this amazing software in a short time.

Vinai Prakash,
Certified Adobe Photoshop Expert

Picture of Vinai Prakash

Vinai Prakash

Vinai is the Founder & Master Trainer at Intellisoft Training. He writes about technology, skills upgrading and loves to share his tips and tricks to improve everyday productivity, and get more done. Intellisoft provides ICDL Certifications, Adobe CC, Microsoft Office training in Singapore. We are an ATO of SSG & an authorized ICDL testing center.

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